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We start by scanning with the nmap command. We see that ports 22 and 80 are open.
Port 22
We try ssh but we need the proper credentials to gain access. We can try some brute-forcing but I don't think that's the right method to get access with this machine.
Port 80
Since port 80 is open it's safe to assume that we can find a website. However, we can't get much info from this site....seems to be some medical site but not much to look at.
After doing some snooping around in the site I noticed that it's using PHP. So let's take a look at what version it's using. To do this I just used nmap again nmap -sV --script=http-php-version
and this was the output.
So it's using php 8.1.0
and after some googling, we find an exploit. It is a backdoor remote code execution.
It essentially works like this we first get our back door using the backdoor_php python script.
Next, we start a listener using netcat on our system.
Then we run the reverse shell python script and enter the target URL, our ip, and port we are listening on.
Now that we are in all that's left to do is find the user flag. Which is generally located in the /home/username directory.
Not too bad now just took some research, now let us move to the root flag.
Well after looking through the files and directories using our reverse shell....I didn't find anything so I thought the machine name was a hint. So I went to the gtfobins site. And looked up knife...and to my surprise, it was a thing.
After doing ALOT of googling on wtf this is I found that our user james can execute this command using sudo, meaning we can get root access.
So using the command in the above pic sudo knife exec -E 'exec "/bin/sh"'
we can get root access.
Now all that's left to do is find the root flag. Which can be found in the /root/